At the Bach Quotes site you will find an extensive collection of quotations concerning Johann Sebastian Bach, the greatest composer of all times. I have collected them over the years from various sources like movies, videos, tv shows, documentaries and literature. I have made a video which presents this website:
English quotations
German quotations
Danish quotations
I have selected quotes which document how much the man and his music has meant to so many people, and also: many of them add to the understanding of Bach and the nature of his extraordinary talent in music. Furthermore, Bach is given the chance to speak for himself 😊
Some quotes refer to specific works of Bach. In such cases, I have provided a link to a music example on YouTube. It will open in a separate tab. A green colour (same as background colour) identifies text which contains a link.
Translation of Bach quotes
The Bach Quotes website contains quotations in three languages: English, German and Danish. However, most of them are only available in one or two languages, very few in all three. Some quotes I have translated myself into English or Danish.
Navigate the site by tapping
- the menu icon in the top right
- the links in the bottom of the main pages – in general, text in green colour is clickable
- the grey icons containing an arrow
You may also want to check out
- my collection of links which are grouped under these labels: Information – Other Bach Quotes Pages – YouTube Channels – YouTube Videos – Bach Festivals – Prominent Ensembles
- the YouTube page where you can watch some of my videos with music by Bach and older members of his family – I also provide links to my playlists with Bach videos
- the about page for some background info and contact email
- these are my latest posts
Various links
About my YouTube channel
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