Bach Quotes
This website is my tribute to Johann Sebastian Bach – the greatest composer of all times. Over the years I have collected various quotations about Bach. They document how much the man and his music has meant to so many people, but more important: many of them add to the understanding of Bach and the nature of his extraordinary talent in music.
My background
I live in Odense (Denmark), but also spend time in Hamburg (Germany). I have a personal background as choir singer through many years, and I have had the pleasure of taking part in performances of many works of Bach: the St. John Passion, the Christmas Oratorio, the Magnificat, and several of the cantatas and motets. And every time I have felt that it was an important event.
First meeting as a performer
My first meeting with Bach, at least as a performer, was his well-known chorale Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht from the Christmas Oratorio. And I still remember that it had a huge impact on me. The composition and text are equally powerful, and the last 4 lines sum up in a few words, what Christian belief is all about:
Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht,
Und lass den Himmel tagen!
Du Hirtenvolk, erschrecke nicht,
Weil dir die Engel sagen,
Dass dieses schwache Knäbelein
Soll unser Trost und Freude sein,
Dazu den Satan zwingen
Und letztlich Friede bringen!
Break out, O lovely light of morning,
And let the heavens dawn!
You shepherd folk, do not fear
Because the angels tell you,
That this helpless little boy
Shall be our comfort and joy,
Thereto subdue the devil
And bring peace at last!
Get in contact

If you have any comments or suggestions, then feel free to contact me. You may have found quotations which I could include, or maybe you would like to translate some of the quotations yourself. Or you have found spelling errors. Note that many of the German quotes are written in the German of Bach’s time, and I prefer to leave them as such, as it adds some baroque flavour 😊
In any case, you can reach me at mail(at)bach-quotes.net.
With your input I can improve on Bach Quotes !
I hope you will enjoy exploring the quotations !
Best wishes, Niels Brandt

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